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2021-04-03 20:38:25 +00:00
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<div class="output_field">
<div class="categories">
<p class="category">Actual IP:</p>
<p class="category">Subnet:</p>
<p class="category">Network size:</p>
<p class="category">Network IP:</p>
<p class="category">Broadcast:</p>
<p class="category">Host-IP from:</p>
<p class="category">Host-IP to:</p>
<div class="output">
<input type="text" disabled class="val" id="ipOut">
<input type="text" disabled class="val" id="snmOut">
<input type="text" disabled class="val" id="nwSize">
<input type="text" disabled class="val" id="ntwOut">
<input type="text" disabled class="val" id="firstOut">
<input type="text" disabled class="val" id="lastOut">
<input type="text" disabled class="val" id="brdOut">
<div class="input-field">
<span class="inp_category">
<p style="display: flex; align-items: center;"><img src="icon/info.svg"> Actual IP:</p><br>
<p style="display: flex; align-items: center;"><img src="icon/info.svg"> Subnet musc:</p>
<span class="input_block">
<input class="inp" type="num" id="ip1" maxlength="3" value="40">.
<input class="inp" type="num" id="ip2" maxlength="3" value="1">.
<input class="inp" type="num" id="ip3" maxlength="3" value="1">.
<input class="inp" type="num" id="ip4" maxlength="3" value="90">
<input class="inp" type="num" id="snm1" maxlength="3" value="255">.
<input class="inp" type="num" id="snm2" maxlength="3" value="255">.
<input class="inp" type="num" id="snm3" maxlength="3" value="255">.
<input class="inp" type="num" id="snm4" maxlength="3" value="255">
<input type="submit" id="trigger" value="calculate">
<script type="text/javascript">
const trigger = document.getElementById("trigger")
class IPCalc{
constructor(ip, subnet){
this.ip = ip
this.subnet = subnet
let subnetPartBinaryArr = []
let subnetBinaryArr = []
let filteredSubnet = ""
let filter = false
for(let i = 0; i < this.subnet.length; i++){
this.subnet[i] = "0"
for(let i = 0; i < this.subnet.length; i++){
this.subnet[i] = parseInt(this.subnet[i]).toString(2)
for(let j = 0; j < this.subnet[i].length; j++){
if(subnetPartBinaryArr.length < 8){
for(let j = subnetPartBinaryArr.length; j < 8; j++){
else if(subnetPartBinaryArr.length > 8){
subnetPartBinaryArr = ["1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1"]
if(i == 0){
subnetPartBinaryArr = ["1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1", "1"]
subnetPartBinaryArr = []
for(let i = 0; i < subnetBinaryArr.length; i++){
for(let j = 0; j < subnetBinaryArr[i].length; j++){
if(subnetBinaryArr[i][j] != "1"){
filter = true
if(filter == true){
subnetBinaryArr[i][j] = "0"
filter = false
for(let i = 0; i < subnetBinaryArr.length; i++){
if(filter != true){
let mergedBinaryPart = subnetBinaryArr[i].join().replaceAll(",", "")
let decimalPart = parseInt(mergedBinaryPart, 2)
if(decimalPart != 255){
filter = true
filteredSubnet += decimalPart + "."
filteredSubnet += 0 + "."
filteredSubnet = filteredSubnet.substring(0, filteredSubnet.length - 1)
return filteredSubnet
let pow = 0
let filteredSubnet = document.getElementById("snmOut").value
filteredSubnet = filteredSubnet.split(".")
for(let i = 0; i < filteredSubnet.length; i++){
let snmLast = 256 - filteredSubnet[i]
for(let j = 1; Math.pow(2, j) <= snmLast; j++){
return Math.pow(2, pow)
let hosts = this.calculateAvailableHosts()
let fltIp = ""
let min = 0
let max = 0
let ntw = 0
let first = 0
let last = 0
let brd = 255
let out = []
let repeater = true
let counter = 0;
let c = 256
let b = 65536
let a = 16777216
for(let i = 0; i < this.ip.length; i++){
if(this.ip[i] > 255){
this.ip[i] = "255"
else if(this.ip[i] < 0){
this.ip[i] = 0
fltIp += this.ip[i] + "."
fltIp = fltIp.substring(0, fltIp.length - 1)
if(hosts <= 2){
if(this.ip[3] - (counter * hosts) < hosts){
repeater = false
min = counter * hosts
max = ++counter * hosts - 1
ntw = this.ip[0] + "." + this.ip[1] + "." + this.ip[2] + "." + min
first = "-"
last = "-"
brd = this.ip[0] + "." + this.ip[1] + "." + this.ip[2] + "." + max
else if(2 < hosts && hosts <= c){ //C Class
if(this.ip[3] - (counter * hosts) < hosts){
repeater = false
min = counter * hosts
max = ++counter * hosts - 1
ntw = this.ip[0] + "." + this.ip[1] + "." + this.ip[2] + "." + min
first = this.ip[0] + "." + this.ip[1] + "." + this.ip[2] + "." + (min + 1)
last = this.ip[0] + "." + this.ip[1] + "." + this.ip[2] + "." + (max - 1)
brd = this.ip[0] + "." + this.ip[1] + "." + this.ip[2] + "." + max
else if(hosts > c && hosts <= b){ //B Class
hosts = hosts / c
if(this.ip[2] - (counter * hosts) < hosts){
repeater = false
min = counter * hosts
max = ++counter * hosts
ntw = this.ip[0] + "." + this.ip[1] + "." + min + "." + 0
first = this.ip[0] + "." + this.ip[1] + "." + min + "." + 1
last = this.ip[0] + "." + this.ip[1] + "." + (max - 1) + "." + 254
brd = this.ip[0] + "." + this.ip[1] + "." + (max - 1) + "." + 255
else if(hosts > b && hosts <= a){ //A Class
hosts = hosts / b
if(this.ip[1] - (counter * hosts) < hosts){
repeater = false
min = counter * hosts
max = ++counter * hosts
ntw = this.ip[0] + "." + min + "." + 0 + "." + 0
first = this.ip[0] + "." + min + "." + 0 + "." + 1
last = this.ip[0] + "." + (max - 1)+ "." + 255 + "." + 254
brd = this.ip[0] + "." + (max - 1)+ "." + 255 + "." + 255
out = [fltIp, ntw, brd, first, last]
return out
document.getElementById("snmOut").value = this.calculateSubnet()
document.getElementById("nwSize").value = this.calculateAvailableHosts()
document.getElementById("ipOut").value = this.calculateRest()[0]
document.getElementById("ntwOut").value = this.calculateRest()[1]
document.getElementById("firstOut").value = this.calculateRest()[2]
document.getElementById("lastOut").value = this.calculateRest()[3]
document.getElementById("brdOut").value = this.calculateRest()[4]
trigger.addEventListener("click", () => {
const ip = [document.getElementById("ip1").value,
const subnet = [document.getElementById("snm1").value,
const calc = new IPCalc(ip, subnet)