You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package com.github.jreddit.oauth.client;
import com.github.jreddit.oauth.RedditToken;
import com.github.jreddit.request.RedditGetRequest;
import com.github.jreddit.request.RedditPostRequest;
public abstract class RedditClient {
/** API Domain of OAuth */
public static final String OAUTH_API_DOMAIN = "";
* Perform a POST reddit request authenticated with the given reddit token.<br>
* <br>
* Does the following: (a) generates the URI (including query parameters) and appends
* it to the reddit base, (b) adds the POST body parameters,
* (c) adds the authorization from the token to the request, and
* (d) executes the request.<br>
* <br>
* <i>Exception handling: if any function raises an exception,
* it will be logged using SLF4J. The result would be null.</i>
* @param rToken Reddit token
* @param request Reddit POST request
* @return Response from reddit (raw), if failed <i>null</i>
public abstract String post(RedditToken rToken, RedditPostRequest request);
* Perform a GET reddit request authenticated with the given reddit token.<br>
* <br>
* Does the following: (a) generates the URI (including query parameters) and appends
* it to the reddit base, (b) adds the authorization from the token to
* the request, and (c) executes the request.<br>
* <br>
* <i>Exception handling: if any function raises an exception,
* it will be logged using SLF4J. The result would be null.</i>
* @param rToken Reddit token
* @param request Reddit GET request
* @return Response from reddit (raw), if failed <i>null</i>
public abstract String get(RedditToken rToken, RedditGetRequest request);