# RandomRedditMemesAPI an API that returns random Reddit Submissions written in Java ## build and run ### build project first make sure you're using Gradle 6.8 and openjdk-jdk8 to build the project just run: ``` gradle build ``` ### run to execute the .jar archive you built before run: ``` java -jar ./build/libs/RandomRedditMemesAPI.jar ``` ### run inside docker to execute the .jar file inside docker use docker-compose: ``` docker-compose -p RandomRedditMemesAPI up -d ``` ### build docker image if you want to build a full docker image run: ``` docker build . ``` alternatively you can use `./docker/docker-compose.yml` ## API the baseurl for the API is: `` ### subreddits subreddit syntax `[baseurl]/r/[subreddit]/[type]` [type] syntax * `all` - returns the first 100 submissions of the subreddits page * `random` - returns one random submission of the first 100 * `[0-99]` - returns a specific one * if undefined returns random the response looks like: ``` { "subs":[{ "score": Integer, "nsfw": Boolean, "author": String, "text": String, "time": Integer, "title": String, "downvotes": Integer, "permalink": String, "subreddit": String, "url": String, }], "error": Boolean/String, "type":String } ```