package com.github.jreddit.oauth; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter; import org.apache.oltu.oauth2.client.OAuthClient; import org.apache.oltu.oauth2.client.URLConnectionClient; import org.apache.oltu.oauth2.client.request.OAuthClientRequest; import org.apache.oltu.oauth2.client.request.OAuthClientRequest.TokenRequestBuilder; import org.apache.oltu.oauth2.common.OAuthProviderType; import org.apache.oltu.oauth2.common.exception.OAuthProblemException; import org.apache.oltu.oauth2.common.exception.OAuthSystemException; import org.apache.oltu.oauth2.common.message.types.GrantType; import; import com.github.jreddit.oauth.exception.RedditOAuthException; import com.github.jreddit.oauth.param.RedditDuration; import com.github.jreddit.oauth.param.RedditScopeBuilder; import com.github.jreddit.request.util.KeyValueFormatter; /** * Thread-safe reddit OAuth agent.
* Communicates with reddit to retrieve tokens, and converts them * into {@link RedditToken}s, which are used internally by jReddit. This class * supports both the code grant flow and implicit grant flow. * * @author Simon Kassing */ public class RedditOAuthAgent { /** Reddit authorization endpoint. */ private static final String REDDIT_AUTHORIZE = ""; /** Grant type for an installed client (weirdly enough a URI). */ private static final String GRANT_TYPE_INSTALLED_CLIENT = ""; /** Grant type for client credentials (described in OAuth2 standard). */ private static final String GRANT_TYPE_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS = "client_credentials"; /* Parameter keys */ private static final String PARAM_CLIENT_ID = "client_id"; private static final String PARAM_RESPONSE_TYPE = "response_type"; private static final String PARAM_STATE = "state"; private static final String PARAM_REDIRECT_URI = "redirect_uri"; private static final String PARAM_DURATION = "duration"; private static final String PARAM_SCOPE = "scope"; private static final String PARAM_GRANT_TYPE = "grant_type"; private static final String PARAM_CODE = "code"; private static final String PARAM_DEVICE_ID = "device_id"; /* Header keys */ private static final String HEADER_USER_AGENT = "User-Agent"; private static final String HEADER_AUTHORIZATION = "Authorization"; /** User agent. */ private final String userAgent; /** OAuth2 client for OAuth related requests. */ private OAuthClient oAuthClient; /** Reddit application. */ private RedditApp redditApp; /** * Constructor for a Reddit OAuth agent.
* A default Apache OAuthClient will be made to perform the OAuth communication. * * @param userAgent User agent for your application (e.g. "jReddit: Reddit API Wrapper for Java") * @param redditApp Reddit application */ public RedditOAuthAgent(String userAgent, RedditApp redditApp) { this(userAgent, redditApp, new OAuthClient(new URLConnectionClient())); } /** * Constructor for a Reddit OAuth agent. * * @param userAgent User agent for your application (e.g. "jReddit: Reddit API Wrapper for Java") * @param redditApp Reddit application * @param oAuthClient Apache OAuth2 client */ public RedditOAuthAgent(String userAgent, RedditApp redditApp, OAuthClient oAuthClient) { this.userAgent = userAgent; this.redditApp = redditApp; this.oAuthClient = oAuthClient; } /** * Generate the code flow Uniform Resource Locator (URI) for a * reddit user to authorize your application.
* The user will, after authorization, receive a code. This can be turned into * a RedditToken using {@link #token(String)}. * * @param scopeBuilder Authorization scope builder (must not be null) * @param duration Duration that the token can last * * @return The URI users need to visit and retrieve the code from * * @see {@link #token(String)} for converting the code into a usable RedditToken */ public synchronized String generateCodeFlowURI(RedditScopeBuilder scopeBuilder, RedditDuration duration) { // Set parameters Map params = new HashMap(); params.put(PARAM_CLIENT_ID, redditApp.getClientID()); params.put(PARAM_RESPONSE_TYPE, "code"); params.put(PARAM_STATE, UUID.randomUUID().toString()); params.put(PARAM_REDIRECT_URI, redditApp.getRedirectURI()); params.put(PARAM_DURATION, duration.value()); params.put(PARAM_SCOPE,; // Create URI return REDDIT_AUTHORIZE + KeyValueFormatter.format(params, true); } /** * Generate the implicit flow Uniform Resource Locator (URI) for a * reddit user to authorize your application.
* The user will, after authorization, receive token information. This can be turned into * a RedditToken using {@link #tokenFromInfo(String, String, long, String)}. * * @param scopeBuilder Authorization scope builder (must not be null) * * @return The URI users need to visit and retrieve the token information from * * @see {@link #tokenFromInfo(String, String, long, String)} for converting the * token information into RedditToken */ public synchronized String generateImplicitFlowURI(RedditScopeBuilder scopeBuilder) { // Set parameters Map params = new HashMap(); params.put(PARAM_CLIENT_ID, redditApp.getClientID()); params.put(PARAM_RESPONSE_TYPE, "token"); params.put(PARAM_STATE, UUID.randomUUID().toString()); params.put(PARAM_REDIRECT_URI, redditApp.getRedirectURI()); params.put(PARAM_SCOPE,; // Create URI return REDDIT_AUTHORIZE + KeyValueFormatter.format(params, true); } /** * Add a user agent to the OAuth request. * * @param request OAuth request */ private void addUserAgent(OAuthClientRequest request) { request.addHeader(HEADER_USER_AGENT, userAgent); } /** * Add the basic authentication protocol to the OAuth request using * the credentials of the Reddit application provided. * * @param request OAuth request * @param app Reddit application */ private void addBasicAuthentication(OAuthClientRequest request, RedditApp app) { String authString = app.getClientID() + ":" + app.getClientSecret(); String authStringEnc = DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(authString.getBytes()); request.addHeader(HEADER_AUTHORIZATION, "Basic " + authStringEnc); } /** * Token retrieval (code flow).
* Retrieve a token for a specific user, meaning that the token is coupled to a user. * After it has expired, the token will no longer work. You must either request a new * token, or refresh it using {@link #refreshToken(RedditToken)}. * * @param code One-time code received from the user, after manual authorization by that user * * @return Token (associated with a user) * * @throws RedditOAuthException */ public synchronized RedditToken token(String code) throws RedditOAuthException { try { // Set general values of the request OAuthClientRequest request = OAuthClientRequest .tokenProvider(OAuthProviderType.REDDIT) .setGrantType(GrantType.AUTHORIZATION_CODE) .setClientId(redditApp.getClientID()) .setClientSecret(redditApp.getClientSecret()) .setRedirectURI(redditApp.getRedirectURI()) .setParameter(PARAM_CODE, code) .buildBodyMessage(); // Add the user agent addUserAgent(request); // Add basic authentication addBasicAuthentication(request, redditApp); // Return a wrapper controlled by jReddit return new RedditToken(oAuthClient.accessToken(request)); } catch (OAuthSystemException oase) { throw new RedditOAuthException(oase); } catch (OAuthProblemException oape) { throw new RedditOAuthException(oape); } } /** * Refresh token.
* This is only possible for tokens retrieved through the code flow * authorization and had their duration set to permanent. Tokens that do not have * a refresh_token with them or are expired, will not be able to be refreshed. * In that case, a new one must be acquired. * * @param rToken Reddit token (which needs to be refreshed) * * @return Whether the token was successfully refreshed * * @throws RedditOAuthException * * @see RedditToken#isRefreshable() */ public synchronized boolean refreshToken(RedditToken rToken) throws RedditOAuthException { try { // Check whether the token can be refreshed if (rToken.isRefreshable()) { // Set general values of the request OAuthClientRequest request = OAuthClientRequest .tokenProvider(OAuthProviderType.REDDIT) .setGrantType(GrantType.REFRESH_TOKEN) .setRefreshToken(rToken.getRefreshToken()) .buildBodyMessage(); // Add the user agent addUserAgent(request); // Add basic authentication addBasicAuthentication(request, redditApp); // Return a wrapper controlled by jReddit rToken.refresh(oAuthClient.accessToken(request)); return true; } else { // The token cannot be refreshed return false; } } catch (OAuthSystemException oase) { throw new RedditOAuthException(oase); } catch (OAuthProblemException oape) { throw new RedditOAuthException(oape); } } /** * Token retrieval (app-only flow).
* Retrieve a token for the application-only, meaning that the * token is not coupled to any user. The token is typically only * valid for a short period of time (at the moment of writing: 1 hour). * After it has expired, the token will no longer work. You must request a new * token in that case. Refreshing an application-only token is not possible. * * @param confidential True: confidential clients (web apps / scripts) not acting on * behalf of one or more logged out users. False: installed app types, * and other apps acting on behalf of one or more logged out users. * * @return Token (not associated with a user) * * @throws RedditOAuthException */ public synchronized RedditToken tokenAppOnly(boolean confidential) throws RedditOAuthException { try { // Set general values of the request TokenRequestBuilder builder = OAuthClientRequest .tokenProvider(OAuthProviderType.REDDIT) .setParameter(PARAM_GRANT_TYPE, confidential ? GRANT_TYPE_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS : GRANT_TYPE_INSTALLED_CLIENT) .setClientId(redditApp.getClientID()) .setClientSecret(redditApp.getClientSecret()); // If it is not acting on behalf of a unique client, a unique device identifier must be generated: if (!confidential) { builder = builder.setParameter(PARAM_DEVICE_ID, UUID.randomUUID().toString()); } // Build the request OAuthClientRequest request = builder.buildBodyMessage(); // Add the user agent addUserAgent(request); // Add basic authentication addBasicAuthentication(request, redditApp); // Return a wrapper controlled by jReddit return new RedditToken(oAuthClient.accessToken(request)); } catch (OAuthSystemException oase) { throw new RedditOAuthException(oase); } catch (OAuthProblemException oape) { throw new RedditOAuthException(oape); } } /** * Generate a token from information received using the implicit grant flow.
* WARNING: The expiration of the token is no longer very accurate. There is a delay * between the user receiving the token, and inputting it into this function. Beware that the * token might expire earlier than that the token reports it to. * * @param accessToken Access token * @param tokenType Token type (commonly "bearer") * @param expiresIn Expires in (seconds) * @param scope Scope * * @return RedditToken generated using the given information. */ public synchronized RedditToken tokenFromInfo(String accessToken, String tokenType, long expiresIn, String scope) { return new RedditToken(accessToken, tokenType, expiresIn, scope); } /** * Revocation of a RedditToken.
* Be sure to not use the token after * calling this function, as its state pertaining its validity (e.g. scope, * expiration, refreshability) is no longer valid when it is revoked.
* Note: Per RFC 7009, this request will return a success (204) response * even if the passed in token was never valid. * * @param token RedditToken to revoke * @param revokeAccessTokenOnly Whether to only revoke the access token, or both * * @return Whether the token is no longer valid */ public boolean revoke(RedditToken token, boolean revokeAccessTokenOnly) { // TODO: Implement // // In POST data: token=TOKEN&token_type_hint=TOKEN_TYPE // TOKEN_TYPE: refresh_token or access_token // return true; } }