package com.github.jreddit.parser.entity; import static com.github.jreddit.parser.util.JsonUtils.safeJsonToBoolean; import static com.github.jreddit.parser.util.JsonUtils.safeJsonToDouble; import static com.github.jreddit.parser.util.JsonUtils.safeJsonToLong; import static com.github.jreddit.parser.util.JsonUtils.safeJsonToString; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; /** * Encapsulates a subreddit. * * @author Benjamin Jakobus * @author Simon Kassing */ public class Subreddit extends Thing { private String displayName; private String title; private String url; private String description; private String subredditType; private double created; private double createdUTC; private Boolean nsfw; private Long subscribers; // Other possible fields // Submit text HTML // String submit_text_html = null; // Whether user is banned // Boolean user_is_banned = null; // Submit text // String submit_text = "submit text for subreddit"; // Header image // String header_img = ""; // Description in HTML markup // String description_html = "<div>HTML description for subreddit</d>"; // Whether user is moderator // Boolean user_is_moderator = null; // Header title // String header_title = "Header title for subreddit"; // Submit link title // String submit_link_label = "Submit link label"; // Accounts active // String accounts_active = null; // Whether it allows public traffic // Boolean public_traffic = true; // Size of header // JSONArray header_size = JsonHelpers.jsonArrayOf(160, 64); // Submit text label // String submit_text_label = "Submit text label"; // Whether user is contributor // Boolean user_is_contributor = null; // Public description // String public_description = "Public description of subreddit"; // Amount of minutes the comment score is hidden // long comment_score_hide_mins = 0; // What types of submissions are allowed // String submission_type = "any"; // Whether the user is contributor // Boolean user_is_subscriber = null; /** * Create a Submission from a JSONObject * * @param obj The JSONObject to load Submission data from */ public Subreddit(JSONObject obj) { super(safeJsonToString(obj.get("name"))); setDisplayName(safeJsonToString(obj.get("display_name"))); setTitle(safeJsonToString(obj.get("title"))); setURL(safeJsonToString(obj.get("url"))); setCreated(safeJsonToDouble(obj.get("created"))); setCreatedUTC(safeJsonToDouble(obj.get("created_utc"))); setNSFW(safeJsonToBoolean(obj.get("over18"))); setSubscribers(safeJsonToLong(obj.get("subscribers"))); setDescription(safeJsonToString(obj.get("description"))); setSubredditType(safeJsonToString(obj.get("subreddit_type"))); } private void setCreated(double created) { this.created = created; } private void setCreatedUTC(double createdUTC) { this.createdUTC = createdUTC; } private void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } private void setDisplayName(String displayName) { this.displayName = displayName; } private void setNSFW(Boolean nsfw) { this.nsfw = nsfw; } private void setSubscribers(long subscribers) { this.subscribers = subscribers; } private void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } private void setURL(String url) { this.url = url; } /** * @return Timestamp of when the subreddit was created. */ public double getCreated() { return created; } /** * @return UTC timestamp of when the subreddit was created. */ public double getCreatedUTC() { return createdUTC; } /** * @return Description detailing the subreddit. */ public String getDescription() { return description; } /** * @return The subreddit's display name. */ public String getDisplayName() { return displayName; } /** * @return The number of subscribers for this subreddit. */ public long getSubscribers() { return subscribers; } /** * @return The subreddit's title. */ public String getTitle() { return title; } /** * @return The subreddit's URL. */ public String getURL() { return url; } /** * @return True if the subreddit is marked as containing adult content; false if not. */ public Boolean isNSFW() { return nsfw; } /** * @return The type of subreddit (e.g. "private" or "public") */ public String getSubredditType() { return subredditType; } public void setSubredditType(String type) { this.subredditType = type; } @Override public String toString() { return "Subreddit(" + this.getFullName() + ")<" + this.getDisplayName() + ">"; } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { return (other instanceof Subreddit && this.getFullName().equals(((Subreddit) other).getFullName())); } @Override public int hashCode() { return this.hashCode() * this.getFullName().hashCode(); } @Override public int compareTo(Thing o) { return this.getFullName().compareTo(o.getFullName()); } }