#pragma once #ifndef ARDUINO_ARTNET_H #define ARDUINO_ARTNET_H // Spec (Art-Net 4) : http://artisticlicence.com/WebSiteMaster/User%20Guides/art-net.pdf // Packet Summary : https://art-net.org.uk/structure/packet-summary-2/ // Packet Definition : https://art-net.org.uk/structure/streaming-packets/artdmx-packet-definition/ #include #include "util/ArxTypeTraits/ArxTypeTraits.h" #include "util/ArxContainer/ArxContainer.h" #if defined(ESP_PLATFORM) || defined(ESP8266) || defined(ARDUINO_AVR_UNO_WIFI_REV2) || defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_MKRWIFI1010) || defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_MKRVIDOR4000) || defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_MKR1000) || defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_NANO_33_IOT) #define ARTNET_ENABLE_WIFI #endif #if !defined(ARTNET_ENABLE_WIFI) #define ARTNET_ENABLE_ETHER #endif #if !defined(ARTNET_ENABLE_WIFI) && !defined(ARTNET_ENABLE_ETHER) #error THIS PLATFORM HAS NO WIFI OR ETHERNET OR NOT SUPPORTED ARCHITECTURE. PLEASE LET ME KNOW! #endif #ifdef ARTNET_ENABLE_WIFI #ifdef ESP_PLATFORM #include #include #elif defined(ESP8266) #include #include #elif defined(ARDUINO_AVR_UNO_WIFI_REV2) || defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_MKRWIFI1010) || defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_MKRVIDOR4000) || defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_NANO_33_IOT) #include #include #include #elif defined(ARDUINO_SAMD_MKR1000) #include #include #include #endif #endif // ARTNET_ENABLE_WIFI #ifdef ARTNET_ENABLE_ETHER #include #include #include "util/TeensyDirtySTLErrorSolution/TeensyDirtySTLErrorSolution.h" #endif // ARTNET_ENABLE_ETHER namespace arx { namespace artnet { // Packet Summary : https://art-net.org.uk/structure/packet-summary-2/ // Packet Definition : https://art-net.org.uk/structure/streaming-packets/artdmx-packet-definition/ enum class OpCode : uint16_t { // Device Discovery Poll = 0x2000, PollReply = 0x2100, // Device Configuration Address = 0x6000, Input = 0x7000, IpProg = 0xF800, IpProgReply = 0xF900, Command = 0x2400, // Streaming Control Dmx = 0x5000, Nzs = 0x5100, Sync = 0x5200, // RDM TodRequest = 0x8000, TodData = 0x8100, TodControl = 0x8200, Rdm = 0x8300, RdmSub = 0x8400, // Time-Keeping TimeCode = 0x9700, TimeSync = 0x9800, // Triggering Trigger = 0x9900, // Diagnostics DiagData = 0x2300, // File Transfer FirmwareMaster = 0xF200, FirmwareReply = 0xF300, Directory = 0x9A00, DirectoryReply = 0x9B00, FileTnMaster = 0xF400, FileFnMaster = 0xF500, FileFnReply = 0xF600, // N/A NA = 0x0000, }; constexpr uint16_t OPC(OpCode op) { return static_cast(op); } enum class Index : uint16_t { ID = 0, OP_CODE_L = 8, OP_CODE_H = 9, PROTOCOL_VER_H = 10, PROTOCOL_VER_L = 11, SEQUENCE = 12, PHYSICAL = 13, SUBUNI = 14, NET = 15, LENGTH_H = 16, LENGTH_L = 17, DATA = 18 }; constexpr uint16_t IDX(Index i) { return static_cast(i); } constexpr uint16_t DEFAULT_PORT{6454}; // 0x1936 constexpr uint16_t HEADER_SIZE{18}; constexpr uint16_t PACKET_SIZE{530}; constexpr uint16_t PROTOCOL_VER{0x0014}; constexpr uint8_t ID_LENGTH{8}; constexpr char ID[ID_LENGTH]{"Art-Net"}; constexpr float DEFAULT_FPS{40.}; constexpr uint32_t DEFAULT_INTERVAL_MS{(uint32_t)(1000. / DEFAULT_FPS)}; static constexpr uint8_t NUM_PIXELS_PER_UNIV{170}; using CallbackAllType = std::function; using CallbackType = std::function; #if ARX_HAVE_LIBSTDCPLUSPLUS >= 201103L // Have libstdc++11 template using Array = std::array; using IntervalMap = std::map; using CallbackMap = std::map; using namespace std; #else template using Array = arx::vector; using IntervalMap = arx::map; using CallbackMap = arx::map; using namespace arx; #endif union ArtPollReply { struct { uint8_t id[8]; uint8_t op_code_l; uint8_t op_code_h; uint8_t ip[4]; uint8_t port_l; uint8_t port_h; uint8_t ver_h; uint8_t ver_l; uint8_t net_sw; uint8_t sub_sw; uint8_t oem_h; uint8_t oem_l; uint8_t ubea_ver; uint8_t status_1; uint8_t esta_man_l; uint8_t esta_man_h; uint8_t short_name[18]; uint8_t long_name[64]; uint8_t node_report[64]; uint8_t num_ports_h; uint8_t num_ports_l; uint8_t port_types[4]; uint8_t good_input[4]; uint8_t good_output[4]; uint8_t sw_in[4]; uint8_t sw_out[4]; uint8_t sw_video; uint8_t sw_macro; uint8_t sw_remote; uint8_t spare[3]; uint8_t style; uint8_t mac[6]; uint8_t bind_ip[4]; uint8_t bind_index; uint8_t status_2; uint8_t filler[26]; }; uint8_t b[239]; }; template class Sender_ { Array packet; uint8_t target_net{0}; uint8_t target_subnet{0}; uint8_t target_universe{0}; uint8_t seq{0}; uint8_t phy{0}; IntervalMap intervals; S* stream; public: #if ARX_HAVE_LIBSTDCPLUSPLUS >= 201103L // Have libstdc++11 #else Sender_() { packet.resize(PACKET_SIZE); } #endif virtual ~Sender_() {} // streaming packet void streaming_data(const uint8_t* const data, const uint16_t size) { memcpy((&packet[IDX(Index::DATA)]), data, size); } void streaming_data(const uint16_t ch, const uint8_t data) { packet[IDX(Index::DATA) + ch] = data; } void streaming(const String& ip, const uint32_t universe_) { uint32_t now = millis(); if (intervals.find(universe_) == intervals.end()) { intervals.insert(make_pair(universe_, now)); } if (now >= intervals[universe_] + DEFAULT_INTERVAL_MS) { set_universe(universe_); send_packet(ip); intervals[universe_] = now; } } void streaming(const String& ip, const uint8_t net_, const uint8_t subnet_, const uint8_t universe_) { uint32_t u = ((uint32_t)net_ << 8) | ((uint32_t)subnet_ << 4) | (uint32_t)universe_; streaming(ip, u); } // one-line sender void send(const String& ip, const uint32_t universe_, const uint8_t* const data, const uint16_t size) { set_universe(universe_); streaming_data(data, size); send_packet(ip); } void send(const String& ip, const uint8_t net_, const uint8_t subnet_, const uint8_t universe_, const uint8_t* const data, const uint16_t size) { set_universe(net_, subnet_, universe_); streaming_data(data, size); send_packet(ip); } void physical(const uint8_t i) { phy = constrain(i, 0, 3); } uint8_t sequence() const { return seq; } protected: void attach(S& s) { stream = &s; for (size_t i = 0; i < ID_LENGTH; i++) packet[IDX(Index::ID) + i] = static_cast(ID[i]); packet[IDX(Index::OP_CODE_H)] = (OPC(OpCode::Dmx) >> 8) & 0x00FF; packet[IDX(Index::OP_CODE_L)] = (OPC(OpCode::Dmx) >> 0) & 0x00FF; packet[IDX(Index::PROTOCOL_VER_H)] = (PROTOCOL_VER >> 8) & 0x00FF; packet[IDX(Index::PROTOCOL_VER_L)] = (PROTOCOL_VER >> 0) & 0x00FF; } void send_packet(const String& ip) { packet[IDX(Index::SEQUENCE)] = seq++; packet[IDX(Index::PHYSICAL)] = phy; packet[IDX(Index::NET)] = target_net; packet[IDX(Index::SUBUNI)] = (target_subnet << 4) | target_universe; packet[IDX(Index::LENGTH_H)] = (512 >> 8) & 0xFF; packet[IDX(Index::LENGTH_L)] = (512 >> 0) & 0xFF; stream->beginPacket(ip.c_str(), DEFAULT_PORT); stream->write(packet.data(), packet.size()); stream->endPacket(); } void set_universe(const uint32_t universe_) { target_net = (universe_ >> 8) & 0x7F; target_subnet = (universe_ >> 4) & 0x0F; target_universe = universe_ & 0x0F; } void set_universe(const uint8_t net_, const uint8_t subnet_, const uint8_t universe_) { target_net = net_ & 0x7F; target_subnet = subnet_ & 0x0F; target_universe = universe_ & 0x0F; } }; template class Receiver_ { Array packet; IPAddress remote_ip; uint16_t remote_port; uint8_t net_switch; // net of universe uint8_t sub_switch; // subnet of universe String short_name{"Arduino ArtNet"}; String long_name{"Ardino ArtNet Protocol by hideakitai/ArtNet"}; String node_report{""}; CallbackMap callbacks; CallbackAllType callback_all; S* stream; public: #if ARX_HAVE_LIBSTDCPLUSPLUS >= 201103L // Have libstdc++11 #else Receiver_() { packet.resize(PACKET_SIZE); } #endif virtual ~Receiver_() {} OpCode parse() { const size_t size = stream->parsePacket(); if (size == 0) return OpCode::NA; uint8_t d[size]; stream->read(d, size); if (checkID(d)) { switch (opcode(d)) { case OPC(OpCode::Dmx): { memcpy(packet.data(), d, size); remote_ip = stream->S::remoteIP(); remote_port = (uint16_t)stream->S::remotePort(); if (callback_all) callback_all(universe15bit(), data(), size - HEADER_SIZE); for (auto& c : callbacks) if (universe15bit() == c.first) c.second(data(), size - HEADER_SIZE); return OpCode::Dmx; } case OPC(OpCode::Poll): { remote_ip = stream->S::remoteIP(); remote_port = (uint16_t)stream->S::remotePort(); poll_reply(); return OpCode::Poll; } default: { Serial.print("Unsupported OpCode: "); Serial.println(opcode(d), HEX); return OpCode::NA; } } } return OpCode::NA; } inline const IPAddress& ip() const { return remote_ip; } inline uint16_t port() const { return remote_port; } inline String id() const { String str; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ID_LENGTH; ++i) str += packet[IDX(Index::ID) + i]; return str; } inline uint16_t opcode() const { return (packet[IDX(Index::OP_CODE_H)] << 8) | packet[IDX(Index::OP_CODE_L)]; } inline uint16_t opcode(const uint8_t* p) const { return (p[IDX(Index::OP_CODE_H)] << 8) | p[IDX(Index::OP_CODE_L)]; } inline uint16_t version() const { return (packet[IDX(Index::PROTOCOL_VER_H)] << 8) | packet[IDX(Index::PROTOCOL_VER_L)]; } inline uint8_t sequence() const { return packet[IDX(Index::SEQUENCE)]; } inline uint8_t physical() const { return packet[IDX(Index::PHYSICAL)]; } uint8_t net() const { return packet[IDX(Index::NET)] & 0x7F; } uint8_t subnet() const { return (packet[IDX(Index::SUBUNI)] >> 4) & 0x0F; } inline uint8_t universe() const { return packet[IDX(Index::SUBUNI)] & 0x0F; } inline uint16_t universe15bit() const { return (packet[IDX(Index::NET)] << 8) | packet[IDX(Index::SUBUNI)]; } inline uint16_t length() const { return (packet[IDX(Index::LENGTH_H)] << 8) | packet[IDX(Index::LENGTH_L)]; } inline uint16_t size() const { return length(); } inline uint8_t* data() { return &(packet[HEADER_SIZE]); } inline uint8_t data(const uint16_t i) const { return packet[HEADER_SIZE + i]; } template inline auto subscribe(const uint8_t universe, F&& func) -> std::enable_if_t::value> { if (callbacks.size() >= 4) { Serial.println(F("too many callbacks")); } else { if (universe > 0xF) { Serial.println(F("universe out of bounds")); return; } else { uint32_t u = ((uint32_t)net_switch << 8) | ((uint32_t)sub_switch << 4) | (uint32_t)universe; callbacks.insert(make_pair(u, arx::function_traits::cast(func))); } } } template inline auto subscribe(const uint8_t universe, F* func) -> std::enable_if_t::value> { if (callbacks.size() >= 4) { Serial.println(F("too many callbacks")); } else { if (universe > 0xF) { Serial.println(F("universe out of bounds")); } else { uint32_t u = ((uint32_t)net_switch << 8) | ((uint32_t)sub_switch << 4) | (uint32_t)universe; callbacks.insert(make_pair(u, arx::function_traits::cast(func))); } } } template inline auto subscribe(F&& func) -> std::enable_if_t::value> { callback_all = arx::function_traits::cast(func); } template inline auto subscribe(F* func) -> std::enable_if_t::value> { callback_all = arx::function_traits::cast(func); } inline void unsubscribe(const uint8_t universe) { auto it = callbacks.find(universe); if (it != callbacks.end()) callbacks.erase(it); } inline void unsubscribe() { callback_all = nullptr; } inline void clear_subscribers() { unsubscribe(); callbacks.clear(); } #ifdef FASTLED_VERSION inline void forward(const uint8_t universe, CRGB* leds, const uint16_t num) { subscribe(universe, [&](const uint8_t* data, const uint16_t size) { if (size < num * 3) Serial.println(F("ERROR: Too many LEDs to forward")); for (size_t pixel = 0; pixel < num; ++pixel) { size_t idx = pixel * 3; leds[pixel].r = data[idx + 0]; leds[pixel].g = data[idx + 1]; leds[pixel].b = data[idx + 2]; } }); } #endif void shortname(const String& sn) { short_name = sn; } void longname(const String& ln) { long_name = ln; } void nodereport(const String& nr) { node_report = nr; } protected: void attach(S& s, const uint8_t subscribe_net = 0, const uint8_t subscribe_subnet = 0) { stream = &s; if (subscribe_net > 128) { Serial.println("Net must be < 128"); } else { net_switch = subscribe_net; } if (subscribe_subnet > 16) { Serial.println("Subnet must be < 16"); } else { sub_switch = subscribe_subnet; } } private: inline bool checkID() const { const char* idptr = reinterpret_cast(packet.data()); return !strcmp(ID, idptr); } inline bool checkID(const uint8_t* p) const { const char* idptr = reinterpret_cast(p); return !strcmp(ID, idptr); } void poll_reply() { ArtPollReply r; for (size_t i = 0; i < ID_LENGTH; i++) r.id[i] = static_cast(ID[i]); r.op_code_l = ((uint16_t)OpCode::PollReply >> 0) & 0x00FF; r.op_code_h = ((uint16_t)OpCode::PollReply >> 8) & 0x00FF; #ifdef ARTNET_ENABLE_WIFI IPAddress my_ip = WiFi.localIP(); IPAddress my_subnet = WiFi.subnetMask(); WiFi.macAddress(r.mac); #endif #ifdef ARTNET_ENABLE_ETHER IPAddress my_ip = Ethernet.localIP(); IPAddress my_subnet = Ethernet.subnetMask(); Ethernet.MACAddress(r.mac); #endif for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) r.ip[i] = my_ip[i]; r.port_l = (DEFAULT_PORT >> 0) & 0xFF; r.port_h = (DEFAULT_PORT >> 8) & 0xFF; r.ver_h = (PROTOCOL_VER >> 8) & 0x00FF; r.ver_l = (PROTOCOL_VER >> 0) & 0x00FF; r.oem_h = 0; // https://github.com/tobiasebsen/ArtNode/blob/master/src/Art-NetOemCodes.h r.oem_l = 0xFF; // OemUnknown r.ubea_ver = 0; // UBEA not programmed r.status_1 = 0x00; // Unknown / Normal r.esta_man_l = 0; // No EATA manufacture code r.esta_man_h = 0; // No ESTA manufacture code memset(r.short_name, 0, 18); memset(r.long_name, 0, 64); memset(r.node_report, 0, 64); memcpy(r.short_name, short_name.c_str(), short_name.length()); memcpy(r.long_name, long_name.c_str(), long_name.length()); memcpy(r.node_report, node_report.c_str(), node_report.length()); r.num_ports_h = 0; // Reserved r.num_ports_l = callbacks.size(); // This library implements only 4 port memset(r.sw_in, 0, 4); memset(r.sw_out, 0, 4); memset(r.port_types, 0, 4); memset(r.good_input, 0, 4); memset(r.good_output, 0, 4); r.net_sw = net_switch & 0x7F; r.sub_sw = sub_switch & 0x0F; size_t i = 0; for (const auto& pair : callbacks) { r.sw_in[i] = pair.first & 0x0F; r.sw_out[i] = i; // dummy: output port is flexible r.port_types[i] = 0xC0; // I/O available by DMX512 r.good_input[i] = 0x80; // Data received without error r.good_output[i] = 0x80; // Data transmitted without error if (++i >= 4) break; } r.sw_video = 0; // Video display shows local data r.sw_macro = 0; // No support for macro key inputs r.sw_remote = 0; // No support for remote trigger inputs memset(r.spare, 0x00, 3); r.style = 0x00; // A DMX to / from Art-Net device for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) r.bind_ip[i] = my_ip[i]; r.bind_index = 0; r.status_2 = 0x08; // sACN capable memset(r.filler, 0x00, 26); static const IPAddress local_broadcast_addr = IPAddress((uint32_t)my_ip | ~(uint32_t)my_subnet); stream->beginPacket(local_broadcast_addr, DEFAULT_PORT); stream->write(r.b, sizeof(ArtPollReply)); stream->endPacket(); } }; // namespace artnet template class Manager : public Sender_, public Receiver_ { S stream; public: void begin(const uint8_t subscribe_net = 0, const uint8_t subscribe_subnet = 0, const uint16_t recv_port = DEFAULT_PORT) { stream.begin(recv_port); this->Sender_::attach(stream); this->Receiver_::attach(stream, subscribe_net, subscribe_subnet); } void parse() { this->Receiver_::parse(); } }; template class Sender : public Sender_ { S stream; public: void begin() { stream.begin(DEFAULT_PORT); this->Sender_::attach(stream); } }; template class Receiver : public Receiver_ { S stream; public: void begin(const uint8_t subscribe_net = 0, const uint8_t subscribe_subnet = 0, const uint16_t recv_port = DEFAULT_PORT) { stream.begin(recv_port); this->Receiver_::attach(stream, subscribe_net, subscribe_subnet); } }; } // namespace artnet } // namespace arx #ifdef ARTNET_ENABLE_WIFI using ArtnetWiFi = arx::artnet::Manager; using ArtnetWiFiSender = arx::artnet::Sender; using ArtnetWiFiReceiver = arx::artnet::Receiver; #endif #ifdef ARTNET_ENABLE_ETHER using Artnet = arx::artnet::Manager; using ArtnetSender = arx::artnet::Sender; using ArtnetReceiver = arx::artnet::Receiver; #endif #endif // ARDUINO_ARTNET_H