# ArxTypeTraits C++ type_traits for Arduino which cannot use it as default ## Features - automatically use standard library first if the boards can - if standard library is not enough (e.g. only C++11 is available), add missing parts listed below - works almost all Arduino platforms (Let me know if you have errors) - compatible with [ArduinoSTL](https://github.com/mike-matera/ArduinoSTL) or other [uClibc++](https://www.uclibc.org/) libraries (include them before `ArxTypeTraits`) - thx @matthijskooijman ## Supported Class Templates ### C++11 (defined only for platforms above which cannot use `type_traits`) - `std::integral_constant` - `std::true_type` - `std::false_type` - `std::declval` - `std::enable_if` - `std::conditional` - `std::remove_cv` - `std::remove_const` - `std::remove_volatile` - `std::remove_pointer` - `std::remove_reference` - `std::remove_extent` - `std::add_pointer` - `std::forward` - `std::is_same` - `std::is_integral` - `std::is_floating_point` - `std::is_arithmetic` - `std::is_signed` - `std::is_unsigned` - `std::is_pointer` - `std::is_array` - `std::is_convertible` - `std::is_function` - `std::is_empty` - `std::decay` - `std::result_of` #### for utility - `std::numeric_limits` (only `max()` and `min()` now) - `std::swap` - `std::initializer_list` - `std::tuple` - `std::get` - `std::tuple_size` - `std::function` ### C++14 (defined only for boards before C++14) - `std::enable_if_t` - `std::decay_t` - `std::remove_cv_t` - `std::remove_const_t` - `std::remove_volatile_t` - `std::remove_reference_t` - `std::remove_pointer_t` - `std::integer_sequence` - `std::index_sequence` - `std::make_index_sequence` - `std::index_sequence_for` ### C++17 (defined only for boards before C++17) - `std::void_t` - `std::disjunction` - `std::conjunction` - `std::negation` - `std::apply` ### C++2a - `std::remove_cvref` - `std::remove_cvref_t` ### Others (defined for all boards) - `arx::is_detected` - `arx::is_callable` - `arx::function_traits` ## Used Inside of - [Packetizer](https://github.com/hideakitai/Packetizer) - [MsgPack](https://github.com/hideakitai/MsgPack) - [MsgPacketizer](https://github.com/hideakitai/MsgPacketizer) - [ArduinoOSC](https://github.com/hideakitai/ArduinoOSC) - [PollingTimer](https://github.com/hideakitai/PollingTimer) - [Tween](https://github.com/hideakitai/Tween) - [ArxStringUtils](https://github.com/hideakitai/ArxStringUtils) ## Contributors - [Matthijs Kooijman](https://github.com/matthijskooijman) ## License MIT