let commands = [ { name: "unknown", output(input){return[ {color: "white", content: `the command "${input[0]}" you entered is undefined!\n`, delay: 100}, { color: "white", content: input.find(arr => arr === "--help")? "try something like:\n" + "\n" + " - Mastodon > social\n" + " - Gitea > git\n" + " - Matrix > element\n" + " - Etherpad > ether\n" + " - short url > surl\n" + " - Jitsi > meet\n": "show examples with \"welcome --help\"", delay: 200 }, ]} }, { name: "welcome", output(input){ let fontSize = window.getComputedStyle(document.body,null).fontSize.split("px", 1); return[ {color: "white", content: "\nWelcome to:\n", delay: 100}, { color: "green", content: window.innerWidth/fontSize<35? " __ \n" + " /\\ \\ \n" + " ____ __ \\_\\ \\____ _____ ____ \n" + " / ___\\\\ \\/\\ \\\\ __ \\\\ __\\/ __ \\ \n" + "/\\ \\__/ \\ \\_\\ \\\\ \\_\\ \\\\ \\_/\\ __/ \n" + "\\ \\____\\ \\____ \\\\____/ \\_\\\\ \\____\\\n" + " \\/____/\\/___/\\ \\___/ \\/_/ \\/____/\n" + " __ /\\___/ \n" + " /\\ \\__ \\/__/ @adb.sh\n" + " \\ \\ _\\ ____ __ __ __ ______\n" + " \\ \\ \\/ / __ \\\\ \\/\\ \\/\\ \\\\ __ \\\n" + " __\\ \\ \\_\\ \\_\\ \\\\ \\/ \\/ / \\ \\/\\ \\\n" + " /\\_\\\\ \\__\\\\____/ \\__/\\__/ \\ \\_\\ \\_\\\n" + " \\/_/ \\/__//___/ \\/_/\\/_/ \\/_/\\/_/\n\n" : " __ __\n" + " /\\ \\ /\\ \\__\n" + " ____ __ \\_\\ \\____ _____ ____ \\ \\ _\\ ____ __ __ __ ______\n" + " / ___\\\\ \\/\\ \\\\ __ \\\\ __\\/ __ \\ \\ \\ \\/ / __ \\\\ \\/\\ \\/\\ \\\\ __ \\\n" + "/\\ \\__/ \\ \\_\\ \\\\ \\_\\ \\\\ \\_/\\ __/ __\\ \\ \\_\\ \\_\\ \\\\ \\/ \\/ / \\ \\/\\ \\\n" + "\\ \\____\\ \\____ \\\\____/ \\_\\\\ \\____\\/\\_\\\\ \\__\\\\____/ \\__/\\__/ \\ \\_\\ \\_\\\n" + " \\/____/\\/___/\\ \\___/ \\/_/ \\/____/\\/_/ \\/__//___/ \\/_/\\/_/ \\/_/\\/_/\n" + " /\\___/\n" + " \\/__/ @adb.sh\n\n", delay: 300 }, input.find(arr => arr === "--help")?{ color: "white", content: "free services on this server:\n" + "\n" + " - Mastodon > social\n" + " - Gitea > git\n" + " - Matrix > element\n" + " - Etherpad > ether\n" + " - short url > surl\n" + " - Jitsi > meet\n", delay: 500 }:{color: "white", content: "show examples with \"welcome --help\"", delay: 600} ] } }, { name: ["ls", "la", "list"], output:[ {color: "white", content: "social ", delay: 100}, {color: "white", content: "git ", delay: 200}, {color: "white", content: "element ", delay: 300}, {color: "white", content: "ether ", delay: 350}, {color: "white", content: "surl ", delay: 400}, {color: "white", content: "meet", delay: 500}, ] }, { name: "time", output(){ return[ {color: "white", content: "your current time is: ", delay: 100}, {color: "blue", content: function(){return new Date().toLocaleTimeString()}(), delay: 200}, ]} }, { name: "date", output(){ return[ {color: "white", content: "your current date is: ", delay: 100}, {color: "blue", content: function(){return new Date().toLocaleDateString()}(), delay: 200}, ]} }, { name: ["social", "mastodon", "Mastodon", "mstdn"], output:[ {color: "blue", content: "\nMastodon", delay: 100}, {color: "white", content: " is loading\n", delay: 200}, {color: "white", content: "forwarding", delay: 400}, {color: "white", content: " ...", forward: "https://social.cybre.town", delay: 600} ] }, { name: ["git", "gitea", "Gitea"], output:[ {color: "blue", content: "\nGitea", delay: 100}, {color: "white", content: " is loading\n", delay: 200}, {color: "white", content: "forwarding", delay: 400}, {color: "white", content: " ...", forward: "https://git.adb.sh", delay: 600} ] }, { name: ["matrix", "Matrix", "element", "Element"], output:[ {color: "blue", content: "\nmatrix", delay: 100}, {color: "white", content: " is loading\n", delay: 200}, {color: "white", content: "forwarding", delay: 400}, {color: "white", content: " ...", forward: "https://element.adb.sh", delay: 600} ] }, { name: ["ether", "etherpad", "Etherpad"], output:[ {color: "blue", content: "\nEtherpad", delay: 100}, {color: "white", content: " is loading\n", delay: 200}, {color: "white", content: "forwarding", delay: 400}, {color: "white", content: " ...", forward: "https://ether.adb.sh", delay: 600} ] }, { name: ["surl", "short-url", "shortURL"], output:[ {color: "blue", content: "\nsurl", delay: 100}, {color: "white", content: " is loading\n", delay: 200}, {color: "white", content: "forwarding", delay: 400}, {color: "white", content: " ...", forward: "https://s.adb.sh", delay: 600} ] }, { name: ["meet", "jitsi", "Jitsi"], output:[ {color: "blue", content: "\nJitsi", delay: 100}, {color: "white", content: " is loading\n", delay: 200}, {color: "white", content: "forwarding", delay: 400}, {color: "white", content: " ...", forward: "https://meet.adb.sh", delay: 600} ] } ] export default { data(){ return { commands } }, methods:{ renderCommand(input){ let toRender = this.getCommand(input).output return typeof toRender === "function"?toRender(input.split(" ")):toRender; }, getCommand(input) { input = input.split(" ", 1)[0]; let command = commands.find( command => Array.isArray(command.name)?command.name.find( altName => altName === input):command.name === input); return command?command:commands[0]; } } }