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<div class="admin">
<div class="tableScroll">
<table v-if="users">
<th class="left">user</th>
<th class="mid">displayname</th>
<th class="mid">deactivated</th>
<th class="mid">admin</th>
<th class="right edit">edit</th>
<tr v-for="user in users.users" :key="">
<td class="left">{{}}</td>
<td class="mid">{{user.displayname}}</td>
<td class="mid">{{user.deactivated}}</td>
<td class="mid">{{user.admin}}</td>
<td class="right edit">
<icon @click.native="newUser.userId =" class="editIcon" type="submit" ic="./sym/ic_create_white.svg"/>
<icon class="editIcon" type="submit" ic="./sym/ic_delete_white.svg"/>
<h2>update user</h2>
<div class="update">
<input v-model="newUser.userId" type="text" placeholder="userId"><br>
<input v-model="newUser.password" type="password" placeholder="password"><br>
<input v-model="newUser.displayname" type="text" placeholder="displayname">
<textbtn @click.native="updateUser()" text="update user"/>
import {matrix} from "@/main";
import {AdminAPI} from "@/lib/AdminAPI";
import icon from "@/components/icon";
import textbtn from "@/components/textbtn";
export default {
name: "admin",
users: undefined,
userId: '',
password: '',
displayname: '',
async updateUser(){
await this.api.updateUser(this.newUser);
async created() {
this.api = new AdminAPI(matrix.baseUrl+'/_synapse/admin/', matrix.accessToken);
this.users = await this.api.getUsers('users');
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