You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

82 lines
2.3 KiB

import axios from "axios";
import type { AxiosInstance } from "axios";
import type { App } from "vue";
type ApiConfig = {
baseURL: string;
authBaseURL: string;
publicBaseURL: string;
accessToken: string | null;
export class Api {
private axios: AxiosInstance;
private axiosPublic: AxiosInstance;
private baseURL: string;
private authBaseURL: string;
private publicBaseURL: string;
private accessToken: string | null;
constructor({ baseURL, accessToken, authBaseURL, publicBaseURL }: ApiConfig) {
this.baseURL = baseURL;
this.authBaseURL = authBaseURL;
this.publicBaseURL = publicBaseURL;
this.accessToken = accessToken ?? localStorage.getItem("access-token");
this.axios = axios.create({ baseURL });
this.axios.interceptors.request.use(({ headers = {}, ...config }) => ({
headers: { ...headers, ["access-token"]: this.accessToken },
this.axiosPublic = axios.create({ baseURL: publicBaseURL });
this.testConnection().catch(() => {
this.accessToken = null;
async auth({ code, state }: { code: string; state: string }) {
const tokens = (await`${this.authBaseURL}`, { code, state }))
if (tokens.accessToken) {
this.accessToken = tokens.accessToken as string;
localStorage.setItem("access-token", this.accessToken);
return tokens;
throw "got no access token from spotify :/";
isAuthorized() {
return !!this.accessToken;
async testConnection() {
return (await this.axios.get(`/test`))?.data;
async getRole() {
return (await this.axios.get(`/user/role`))?.data;
async getCurrentlyPlaying() {
return (await this.axios.get(`/user/currentlyPlaying`))?.data;
async getUserInfo(userId: string) {
return (await this.axiosPublic.get(`/users/${userId}/info`))?.data;
async joinSession(userId: string) {
return (await`/user/joinSession`, { userId }))?.data;
async leaveSession(userId: string) {
return (await`/user/leaveSession`, { userId }))?.data;
let api = null as Api | null;
export const useApi = () => api;
export const createApi = (vue: App, config: ApiConfig) => {
api = new Api(config);
vue.config.globalProperties.$api = api;