You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

123 lines
3.0 KiB

6 years ago
#pragma once
template<typename T, size_t SIZE>
class RingBuffer
inline size_t capacity() const { return SIZE; };
inline size_t size() const { return (tail_ - head_); };
inline const T* data() const { return &(queue_[head_]); }
inline T* data() { return &(queue_[head_]); }
inline bool empty() const { return tail_ == head_; };
inline void clear() { head_ = 0; tail_ = 0; };
inline void pop()
if (size() == 0) return;
if (size() == 1) clear();
else head_++;
inline void pop_back()
if (size() == 0) return;
if (size() == 1) clear();
else tail_--;
inline void push(const T& data)
queue_[(tail_++) % SIZE] = data;
if (size() > SIZE) head_++;
inline void push(T&& data)
queue_[(tail_++) % SIZE] = data;
if (size() > SIZE) head_++;
inline void push_back(const T& data)
queue_[(tail_++) % SIZE] = data;
if (size() > SIZE) head_++;
inline void push_back(T&& data)
queue_[(tail_++) % SIZE] = data;
if (size() > SIZE) head_++;
inline const T& front() const // throw(Exception)
// if(empty()) throw Exception();
return *(queue_ + head_ % SIZE);
inline T& front() // throw(Exception)
// if(empty()) throw Exception();
return *(queue_ + head_ % SIZE);
inline const T& back() const // throw(Exception)
// if(empty()) throw Exception();
return *(queue_ + (SIZE + tail_ - 1) % SIZE);
inline T& back() // throw(Exception)
// if(empty()) throw Exception();
return *(queue_ + (SIZE + tail_ - 1) % SIZE);
inline const T& operator[] (uint8_t index) const
return *(queue_ + (head_ + index) % SIZE);
inline T& operator[] (uint8_t index)
return *(queue_ + (head_ + index) % SIZE);
inline const T* begin() const { return &(queue_[head_]); }
inline T* begin() { return &(queue_[head_]); }
inline const T* end() const { return &(queue_[tail_]); }
inline T* end() { return &(queue_[tail_]); }
inline T* erase(T* p)
if (p == end()) return p;
for (T* pos = p + 1; pos != end(); ++pos)
*(pos - 1) = *pos;
return p;
inline void resize(size_t sz)
size_t s = size();
if (sz > size())
for (size_t i = 0; i < sz - s; ++i) push(T());
else if (sz < size())
for (size_t i = 0; i < s - sz; ++i) pop();
inline void assign(const T* const first, const T* const end)
const char* p = first;
while (p != end) push(*p++);
T queue_[SIZE];
volatile size_t head_ {0};
volatile size_t tail_ {0};
#endif // RINGBUFFER_H