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Art-Net Sender/Receiver for Arduino (Ethernet, WiFi)


  • support Art-Net with both Ethernet and WiFi
  • register multiple callbacks depending on universe
  • flexible net/subnet/universe setting


This library has following Art-Net controller options. Please use them depending on the situation.

  • ArtnetSender
  • ArtnetReveiver
  • Artnet (Integrated Sender/Receiver)


#include <Artnet.h>

// declarations for Ethernet/WiFi

ArtnetSender artnet;

void setup()
    // setup Ethernet/WiFi...

    artnet.begin(""); // set destination ip

void loop()
    // change send data as you want

    artnet.set(universe, data_ptr, size);
    artnet.streaming(); // automatically send set data in 40fps


#include <Artnet.h>

// declarations for Ethernet/WiFi

ArtnetReceiver artnet;

void callback(uint8_t* data, uint16_t size)
    // you can also use pre-defined callbacks

void setup()
    // setup Ethernet/WiFi...

    artnet.begin(); // waiting for Art-Net in default port

    // if Artnet packet comes to this universe, this function is called
    artnet.subscribe(universe1, [](uint8_t* data, uint16_t size)
        // use received data[], and size

    // you can also use pre-defined callbacks
    artnet.subscribe(universe2, callback);

void loop()
    artnet.parse(); // check if artnet packet has come and execute callback

Artnet (Integrated Sender/Receiver)

#include <Artnet.h>

// declarations for Ethernet/WiFi

Artnet artnet;

void setup()
    // setup Ethernet/WiFi...

    artnet.begin(""); // send to localhost and listen to default port

    // if Artnet packet comes to this universe, this function is called
    artnet.subscribe(universe, [&](uint8_t* data, uint16_t size)
        // do something with data coming to universe

void loop()
    artnet.parse(); // check if artnet packet has come and execute callback

    // change send data as you want

    artnet.set(universe, data, size); // set send data
    artnet.streaming(); // automatically send set data in 40fps

Other Settings

Net, Sub-Net, Universe, and Universe(15bit)

You can set Net, Sub-Net, Universe and Universe(15bit) flexibly.


// set separately;
artnet.set(data, size);

// set as 15bit universe
artnet.set(data, size);

// set with data and size
artnet.set(universe15bit, data, size);
artnet.set(net, subnet, universe, data, size);


artnet.subscribe(universe15bit, function);
artnet.subscribe(net, subnet, universe, function);

One Time Sending (Not Streaming)

In Sender class, you can also send Art-Net packet once. This sends only 1 packet (NOT streaming).

artnet.send(data, size);
artnet.send(universe15bit, data, size);
artnet.send(net, subnet, universe, data, size);

Set Non-Default Port

// ArtnetSender
artnet.begin(ip);       // default
artnet.begin(ip, port); // set your own
// ArtnetReceiver
artnet.begin();     // default
artnet.begin(port); // set your own
// Artnet (integrated)
artnet.begin(ip);                       // default send/receiver
artnet.begin(ip, send_port, recv_port); // set your own



void net(const uint8_t n);
void subnet(const uint8_t s);
void universe(const uint8_t u);
void universe15bit(const uint8_t u);
void set(const uint8_t* const data, const uint16_t size = 512);
void set(const uint32_t universe_, const uint8_t* const data, const uint16_t size = 512);
void set(const uint8_t net_, const uint8_t subnet_, const uint8_t universe_, const uint8_t* const data, const uint16_t size = 512);
void send();
void send(const uint8_t* const data, const uint16_t size = 512);
void send(const uint32_t universe_, const uint8_t* const data, const uint16_t size = 512);
void send(const uint8_t net_, const uint8_t subnet_, const uint8_t universe_, const uint8_t* const data, const uint16_t size = 512);
void streaming();
void physical(const uint8_t i) const;
uint8_t sequence() const;


bool parse();
inline const IPAddress& ip() const;
uint16_t port() const;
String id() const;
uint16_t opcode() const;
uint16_t opcode(const uint8_t* p) const;
uint16_t version() const;
uint8_t sequence() const;
uint8_t physical() const;
uint8_t net() const;
uint8_t subnet() const;
uint8_t universe() const;
uint16_t universe15bit() const;
uint16_t length() const;
uint16_t size() const;
uint8_t* data();
uint8_t data(const uint16_t i) const;
void subscribe(const uint32_t universe, const CallbackType& func);
void subscribe(const CallbackType& func);
void subscribe(const uint8_t net, const uint8_t subnet, const uint8_t universe, const CallbackType& func);
void unsubscribe(const uint32_t universe);
void unsubscribe();
void unsubscribe(const uint8_t net, const uint8_t subnet, const uint8_t universe);

Supported Platform

This library currently supports following platforms and interfaces. Please feel free to send PR or request for more board support!


  • ESP32
  • ESP8266
  • Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2
  • Arduino MKR VIDOR 4000
  • Arduino MKR WiFi 1010
  • Arduino MKR WiFi 1000
  • Arduino Nano 33 IoT


  • ESP8266
  • Teensy 3.x, 4.x
  • AVR (Arduino Uno, Mega, ...)
  • megaAVR (Arduino Uno WiFi Rev2, ...)
  • SAMD (Arduino MKR series, ...)


Some boards without enough memory may not be able to use integrated sender/receiver. Please use only sender OR receiver.

Embedded Libraries
